See IUKL Website for list of rules relating to competitions
Club Membership Rules
*Please note this is a summary of club rules. The AIKLF constitution contains an in depth coverage of all rules.
Summary of Rules Governing AIKLF Membership:
• Clubs cannot be commercial enterprises. They must be separate entities in name and operation. While clubs can make monies, this is for the running and operation of the club as opposed to personal profit. All Clubs must be non-profit organisations.
• There will be no cross-branding/promotion of a for profit business through Club or vice versa eg, Facebook, Web etc. A business entity will be kept separate from a club entity.
• All Clubs will have an operational/active Club bank account in Club’s name. Proof of same is required prior to affiliation; such as a cover letter from bank which must state the account is for the Club in question referencing Club name on cover letter.
. • Clubs must be a minimum distance of 10 kilometres from an existing AIKLF Club.
• Clubs must have a minimum of 4 AIKLF registered members, who will register with the AIKLF simultaneously with the Club, if the club is accepted.
• Club trainers will have undertaken the Irish Sports Council Child Protection Course.
• Clubs will have undertaken the ISC Child Welfare Officer course (Safeguarding 2) and have in place a registered Child Welfare Officer as mandated by the Irish Sports council.
• Clubs/Trainers will be insured to carry out related activities.
• The experience and qualifications of Coaches and Trainers, of proposed club, as sport lifters with sport qualifications (which differ from fitness qualifications), will be considered important.
• The ethos of all AIKLF Clubs will be to grow the AIKLF and said club, at local level, in keeping with best sport development strategies.
• Clubs will have a club email address which incorporates the club name in the address and will not contain any reference to a for profit business. This address is to be used for all club and AIKLF related business.
• Clubs will be based in, and train from a specific location.
• Clubs may be required to participate in AIKLF club bank account audits in keeping with ISC guidelines regarding governing bodies and tax compliance.
• Clubs cannot use an existing name or part of an existing name already in use by an AIKLF club.Eg, Offaly Kettlebell Club as registered. North Offaly Kettlebell club/North Offaly Girevoy Club is not valid.
• Clubs/Lifters will wear a Club singlet/top and shorts for competition purposes. Tops will have Club logo. Tops will not be used for advertising purposes unless sanctioned by the AIKLF.
• Clubs, as part of their responsibility as a member of the AIKLF, must promote their governing body.
• Clubs cannot be/become members of another kettlebell organisation. As decided by AIKLF.
• Clubs and/or their athletes are required to notify and obtain permission from the AIKLF before participating in another, non AIKLF, organised competition/event.
• Clubs and their members must abide by all rules and regulations, as laid down by the AIKLF, including all future legislation as may be deemed necessary from time to time.
• Members of a club must register individually for membership with the AIKLF.
• Clubs and their coaches/trainers must be willing to undertake any courses/workshops/certifications that the AIKLF deem necessary in furthering its objectives to ensure the highest possible standards as befits a National Governing Body and being in compliance with Irish Sport Council standards and best industry practices; thereby ensuring the health and safety of all its members.
• It is the responsibility of clubs to familiarise themselves with the rules and regulations that govern its membership within the AIKLF.
• It is the responsibility of clubs to instruct their members to familiarise themselves with the rules and regulations that govern their membership with the AIKLF.
• All clubs and its members, through their activities as members of the AIKLF, are expected to be respectful of the rights and interests of the Federation and their fellow members, through their actions which should reflect positively on both federation and its members.
• Any club or lifter who uses social media to resolve AIKLF matters will be open to disciplinary procedures.
• Any AIKLF member who verbally or physically abuses an Official of the AIKLF will face immediate suspension pending a disciplinary review.
• Any club or athlete who has any matters they wish to address may do so in writing via email.
• Athletes representing their country and the AIKLF shall be respectful and considerate towards their fellow AIKLF team mates and also their fellow international competitors.
• Any club or athlete in breach of AIKLF rules will receive a written warning, followed, where required, by disciplinary procedures.
• All clubs, on being accepted as members of the AIKLF, shall be placed on 12 months probation. Which on completion and on the agreement of the committee and being in compliance of AIKLF legislation, will become full members.
• Probationary clubs and their athletes may not be elected to an AIKLF committee position until their probationary period has been successfully completed. Please be advised it is the responsibility of the Club/Athlete to make themselves aware and up to-date with AIKLF Rules & Regulations.